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Cellulite Reduction

Cellulite Reduction: Strategies to Achieve Your Goals

April 11, 20244 min read

The Pagani Cryo STAR is a groundbreaking device that specifically targets unsightly cellulite and excess adipose fat tissue. It’s becoming an incredibly popular cellulite reduction option because it treats these problems without the dangerous tissue damage and bleeding risks associated with surgical procedures like liposuction.

Cellulite can affect people of any size. While it’s more common in overweight people, even people of normal weight can struggle with this aesthetic concern. Cellulite causes the skin surface to appear dimpled and uneven and is more common on the stomach, hips, and thighs, although it can occur on any part of the body. 

Cellulite is a common concern among spa clients who want to restore their skin to its youthful, smooth appearance. However, it’s crucial to understand what causes cellulite and why it’s difficult to eliminate it to create the best treatment plan. 

What Causes Cellulite?

The main cause of cellulite is stiffening of the connective tissues with time, injury, and age. As this tissue becomes increasingly rigid, the movement of lymphatic tissue and interstitial fluid is restricted, which leads to fluid accumulating in specific areas like the buttocks, thighs, and stomach. This stagnant fluid, combined with fatty edemas, contributes to the dimpling and lumpiness between the surface of the skin.

Why It's So Hard to Get Rid of Cellulite

Cellulite is more than just fat. It’s an abnormal formation of connective tissues, fluid pockets, and fatty edemas. These structural changes further the cycle of fatty edema and fluid retention, making it difficult or impossible to manage the condition through diet and weight loss alone. 

Treatment of these abnormal tissues is further complicated by several factors:

Genetic predisposition: Some people are genetically predisposed to developing weak connective tissue that is easily damaged by environmental forces and age. As this weaker tissue is damaged, it stiffens and traps fat and fluids.

Hormonal influences: Hormones change over time and often become unbalanced through pregnancy, aging, and menopause. The loss in hormone balance can diminish collagen production, affect fat distribution, and increase edema. This, in turn, reduces lymphatic drainage and makes the problem even worse. 

Lifestyle factors: Even the healthiest people are subject to the tissue changes that cause cellulite, but diet, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption will astronomically increase the damage. Our increasingly sedentary lifestyles compound the damage because our bodies depend on movement to circulate stagnant lymphatic tissues. 

How Cryo STAR Reduces the Symptoms of Cellulite

Cryo STAR eliminates cellulite using three primary approaches:

1. It softens connective tissue: Cryo STAR uses thermal shock treatment to alternate between hot and cold in pre-programmed cycles. This softens the underlying, stiffened tissues in the treatment area, which allows fluid to move more freely. As the fluid re-distributes, the surface of the skin looks smoother and less dimpled. 

2. It improves fluid circulation: Cryo STAR’s heat-induction process releases stagnant fluids as it softens stiff connective tissues. Trapped toxins and waste materials are removed as these stagnant pockets of fluid are released. By restoring proper tissue drainage and circulation, the tissues become healthier-looking and more firm.

3. It reduces fatty edemas: Fatty edemas are abnormal accumulations of fat, as opposed to the accumulation of fluid that occurs with regular edema. The two conditions often coexist as they are both worsened by lack of lymphatic drainage. Cryo STAR selectively freezes and reduces the size of fat cells during the cold cycle, thus helping to visibly reduce the lumpy distribution of fat associated with cellulite.

How to Increase Benefits of Thermal Shock Therapy

Cryo STAR treatments can be combined with other therapies and lifestyle changes to increase benefits and outcomes. Here’s how to get the most out of Cryo STAR:

Individual treatment plans: Cryo STAR has a variety of pre-programmed settings that can be tailored to each client’s unique needs. The treatment can be adjusted for factors such as age, sex, severity of cellulite, and the area of concern.

Combination therapies: Treatment techniques such as lymphatic drainage massage and radiofrequency can be combined with CryoSTAR to increase the movement of stagnant fluids out of newly softened tissues and further shrink fatty edemas. 

Lifestyle improvements: Clients should be educated about how cellulite forms and how to reduce the preventable causes. Ceasing alcohol use, exercising regularly, and eating a balanced diet designed around unique nutritional needs will reduce the formation of new cellulite and vastly improve collagen production and the appearance of skin.

By using this three-pronged approach to patient treatment plans, spa owners can change lives. Clients will rave about their results to their friends as word of mouth spreads. What spa wouldn’t benefit from being at the forefront of this cutting-edge technology?

Cryo STAR has become an invaluable addition to spas around the globe. With its innovative thermal shock technology and easy-to-use pre-programmable settings, Cryo STAR delivers undeniable results that foster long-term loyalty from satisfied clients. 

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Cellulite Reduction

Cellulite Reduction: Strategies to Achieve Your Goals

April 11, 20244 min read

The Pagani Cryo STAR is a groundbreaking device that specifically targets unsightly cellulite and excess adipose fat tissue. It’s becoming an incredibly popular cellulite reduction option because it treats these problems without the dangerous tissue damage and bleeding risks associated with surgical procedures like liposuction.

Cellulite can affect people of any size. While it’s more common in overweight people, even people of normal weight can struggle with this aesthetic concern. Cellulite causes the skin surface to appear dimpled and uneven and is more common on the stomach, hips, and thighs, although it can occur on any part of the body. 

Cellulite is a common concern among spa clients who want to restore their skin to its youthful, smooth appearance. However, it’s crucial to understand what causes cellulite and why it’s difficult to eliminate it to create the best treatment plan. 

What Causes Cellulite?

The main cause of cellulite is stiffening of the connective tissues with time, injury, and age. As this tissue becomes increasingly rigid, the movement of lymphatic tissue and interstitial fluid is restricted, which leads to fluid accumulating in specific areas like the buttocks, thighs, and stomach. This stagnant fluid, combined with fatty edemas, contributes to the dimpling and lumpiness between the surface of the skin.

Why It's So Hard to Get Rid of Cellulite

Cellulite is more than just fat. It’s an abnormal formation of connective tissues, fluid pockets, and fatty edemas. These structural changes further the cycle of fatty edema and fluid retention, making it difficult or impossible to manage the condition through diet and weight loss alone. 

Treatment of these abnormal tissues is further complicated by several factors:

Genetic predisposition: Some people are genetically predisposed to developing weak connective tissue that is easily damaged by environmental forces and age. As this weaker tissue is damaged, it stiffens and traps fat and fluids.

Hormonal influences: Hormones change over time and often become unbalanced through pregnancy, aging, and menopause. The loss in hormone balance can diminish collagen production, affect fat distribution, and increase edema. This, in turn, reduces lymphatic drainage and makes the problem even worse. 

Lifestyle factors: Even the healthiest people are subject to the tissue changes that cause cellulite, but diet, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption will astronomically increase the damage. Our increasingly sedentary lifestyles compound the damage because our bodies depend on movement to circulate stagnant lymphatic tissues. 

How Cryo STAR Reduces the Symptoms of Cellulite

Cryo STAR eliminates cellulite using three primary approaches:

1. It softens connective tissue: Cryo STAR uses thermal shock treatment to alternate between hot and cold in pre-programmed cycles. This softens the underlying, stiffened tissues in the treatment area, which allows fluid to move more freely. As the fluid re-distributes, the surface of the skin looks smoother and less dimpled. 

2. It improves fluid circulation: Cryo STAR’s heat-induction process releases stagnant fluids as it softens stiff connective tissues. Trapped toxins and waste materials are removed as these stagnant pockets of fluid are released. By restoring proper tissue drainage and circulation, the tissues become healthier-looking and more firm.

3. It reduces fatty edemas: Fatty edemas are abnormal accumulations of fat, as opposed to the accumulation of fluid that occurs with regular edema. The two conditions often coexist as they are both worsened by lack of lymphatic drainage. Cryo STAR selectively freezes and reduces the size of fat cells during the cold cycle, thus helping to visibly reduce the lumpy distribution of fat associated with cellulite.

How to Increase Benefits of Thermal Shock Therapy

Cryo STAR treatments can be combined with other therapies and lifestyle changes to increase benefits and outcomes. Here’s how to get the most out of Cryo STAR:

Individual treatment plans: Cryo STAR has a variety of pre-programmed settings that can be tailored to each client’s unique needs. The treatment can be adjusted for factors such as age, sex, severity of cellulite, and the area of concern.

Combination therapies: Treatment techniques such as lymphatic drainage massage and radiofrequency can be combined with CryoSTAR to increase the movement of stagnant fluids out of newly softened tissues and further shrink fatty edemas. 

Lifestyle improvements: Clients should be educated about how cellulite forms and how to reduce the preventable causes. Ceasing alcohol use, exercising regularly, and eating a balanced diet designed around unique nutritional needs will reduce the formation of new cellulite and vastly improve collagen production and the appearance of skin.

By using this three-pronged approach to patient treatment plans, spa owners can change lives. Clients will rave about their results to their friends as word of mouth spreads. What spa wouldn’t benefit from being at the forefront of this cutting-edge technology?

Cryo STAR has become an invaluable addition to spas around the globe. With its innovative thermal shock technology and easy-to-use pre-programmable settings, Cryo STAR delivers undeniable results that foster long-term loyalty from satisfied clients. 

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180 Route 117 Bypass l Bedford Hills, NY 10507

(914) 907-1850

© 2023 Skin Science Solutions, Inc.

All rights reserved.

*Claims shown by several scientific studies, available upon request.

180 Route 117 Bypass l Bedford Hills, NY 10507


© 2025 Skin Science Solutions, Inc.

All rights reserved.

*Claims shown by several scientific studies, available upon request.